A moving tribute to a remarkable stunt man ... Jackie Chan!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

February 11, 2017

A moving tribute to a remarkable stunt man ... Jackie Chan!

Jackie Chan is one of those people who inspire sympathy from almost everyone, even from those who have no interest in the kind of movie that he has been making all his life.

At the beginning of 2017, to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Jackie Chan Stunt Team and the honorary Oscar award for his movie career conferred by Hollywood, a Chinese television organized a surprise for him.

Therefore, they invited Chan and his stunt team (composed of the new members) to be guests on their program and to express their respect and admiration for Chan and his dangerous work, they showed him a video with messages from all his old comrades, and then gave him the word.

However, when Chan turned to address the young team members, he realized that among them there were some other faces well known to him. Once you have arrived at 4:55 minutes, even if you do not understand a word, we bet you will be very moved!
