Old music cassette tapes: do you own any of these? They could be worth thousands of dollars!

For those who grew up in the 80s and 90s, many own historic "memorabilia": books, models, stamps, music cassettes and video cassettes. Some of these objects are now collector items and can be quite valuable.
In fact, some items can be worth thousands of dollars, like old music cassette tapes, for example. Let's see which are the most sought after and valuable.
via Discogs

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Let's face it: our old possessions often have strong sentimental value for erstwhile owners and it can be sad realizing that new technologies have made our old possessions redundant.
How many of you grew up listening to music cassette tapes being played on a walkman?! Probably many of you and the music tapes were very widespread in the 80s and 90s. And now, some of these antique tapes could be worth a small fortune! Let's find out which ones:

Old-fashioned music cassettes are larger than a modern smartphone and fit into even larger devices (walkmen) with equally "generous" dimensions. Here is a list of seven music cassette tapes which are worth a small fortune:
"Xero", from 1997, estimated at almost $4000 dollars; "The Versace Experience - Prelude 2 Gold", from 1995, is worth around $3600 dollars; "Split Personality", from 1992, is valued at around $2000 dollars. You can consult the complete list of the most valuable cassettes here.
Do you own any of these valuable collectors' items?