They put a box in front of a Great Dane --- When he discovers what's inside his reaction is adorable!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

March 26, 2016

They put a box in front of a Great Dane --- When he discovers what's inside his reaction is adorable!

Hugo is a 14-month-old Great Dane, and despite his young age, he has already grown to a considerable size. But size is not always synonymous with courage and resourcefulness! Hugo is still a puppy, and so he still has a lot to discover and learn.

This is clearly demonstrated in this adorably funny situation! Hugo's owners have just brought home a gosling (a baby goose) which is of course very soft and delicate.  What is the Great Dane's reaction to this strange and noisy creature? Surely, not that of a fierce predator! In fact, Hugo actually seems to be afraid of the gosling!
