A car almost hits two dogs crossing a road! What one of the dogs does is staggering!

by Robert Maggi

February 17, 2016

A car almost hits two dogs crossing a road! What one of the dogs does is staggering!

A car is speeding down what appears to be an open road with nothing and no one there, but suddenly the driver sees that coming up fast on the right side of the road are two dogs, intent on crossing the road. He hits the brakes, trying to slow the car down but the distance is too close! It looks like the driver will not be able to avoid hitting the two dogs! 

Then, suddenly one of the two dogs, the one closest to the edge of the road, makes a gesture that deserves a medal! With an unnatural act for a dog, somehow it manages to do it --- right in the nick of time, thus saving the life of his fellow dog companion!
