Mother knows her baby daughter won't survive, but she carries the pregnancy to term to save other babies

by Mark Bennett

July 29, 2023

Mother knows her baby daughter won't survive, but she carries the pregnancy to term to save other babies

Being pregnant can be a wonderful thing. The future parents typically prepare everything for the baby in advance. From conception, parents-to-be - and especially mothers - start establishing familial bonds with their baby.

Feeling life growing inside one can trigger one's fantasies. Fantasies of playing together, of traveling around the world as a family and much more. Unfortunately, this was not the case for the couple in this story and they had to make a very difficult choice. Read on to find out more:

via Metro

Krysta Bridwell/Facebook

Krysta Bridwell/Facebook

The story took place in Tennessee, United States, where a woman named Krysta Davis and her partner Derek Lovett were pregnant. At just 23, the woman was delighted at the idea of welcoming her first child into the world - but then, tragedy struck.

At just 18 weeks pregnant and during a routine checkup, doctors had to give the couple some sad news. Their little Rylei Arcadia Diane Lovett had no chance of surviving. Suffering from a rare condition called anencephaly - in which parts of the baby's brain are missing - the baby would not survive long after birth. Of course, the couple's happiness turned instantly into deep despair.

"It was terrible. We had already suffered a miscarriage, and having to lose our daughter now too left us devastated," Krysta said.

Krysta Bridwell/Facebook

Krysta Bridwell/Facebook

And the situation was made even more traumatic with a decision the couple had to make. The doctors told them they had to make a tough choice: to terminate the pregnancy now or continue with the pregnancy in order to be able to donate the baby's organs at birth. Bravely, the couple decided to go the latter route.

"We decided to go ahead and give birth to our little girl. We didn't want any other mother to feel what we were feeling. When Rylei was born, it was incredible, but we knew that it wouldn't last long," Krysta explained.

Krysta Bridwell/Facebook

Krysta Bridwell/Facebook

The organ donation allowed two other little ones to survive and without Rylei, this would not have been possible. Her sacrifice (and that of her parents) was not in vain.

Without even realizing it, this little one made a huge difference in the lives of others she will never get to meet.


