Gender dysphoria: the story of Arianna, born Jorge

by Mark Bennett

September 17, 2023

Gender dysphoria: the story of Arianna, born Jorge

The identity of an individual, i.e.. what a person feels they really are, is a complex and much-debated topic. Gender dysphoria, for example, occurs when there is a conflict between the sex one is assigned at birth and the gender with which one actually identifies. This can create significant psychological distress and can make one feel uncomfortable in one's body. People with gender dysphoria may want to change the way that they express their gender.

And, it seems that gender dysphoria can manifest itself as early as around the ages of 3 and 4 years old. This was the case of the boy in this article. Read on to find out more:

via Daily Mail

Jorge's story

Jorge's story

Pexels - Not the actual photo

Arianna Quizhpi is only six years old and started life as a boy with the name Jorge. One day, Jorge told his mother he felt like a female. His awareness came from being attracted to the female "way of life" . Jorge's mother supported her son and they consulted specialists about the boy's gender dysphoria.


A great life lesson

A great life lesson

Pexels - Not the actual photo

Jorge, now called Arianna and being treated as a girl, was thankful for the support from her family. Arianna's wish now is to do what it takes to transition into having a woman's body. This story was shared on social media and attracted many comments. As expected, the audience was split on the issue. Many were supportive of the family and the choices they made.

Others, however, were less positive. For the critics, gender dysphoria is not a matter to be taken lightly, especially when it comes to such a young person. According to these detractors, Arianna/Jorge is still too young to fully understand the implications of making these choices now and should wait until he/she is more mature.

What do you think?
