11-year-old boy manages to buy his family a new home by selling bottles of water in the street

by Mark Bennett

April 01, 2023

11-year-old boy manages to buy his family a new home by selling bottles of water in the street

Tough times knock on everyone's door and this isn't always a bad thing: we can find ourselves becoming more united in times of need and being more resilient than we thought possible. In any case, the obstacles we face in life may be many, but it is also true that they are generally related to the age we are at during the moment: a teenager faces different problems to that of an adult with a family, for example. However, there are exceptions.

Today's story is one of the incredible tenacity shown by an 11-year-old boy and how he was able to accomplish the near-impossible!

via altavista.news

Gabriel is an 11-year-old boy who has two younger brothers and mother, who is single. This little family was struggling: they all lived together in a room in Gabriel's grandmother's house and making ends meet was not easy for them.

Gabriel's mother did odd jobs but was restricted in what she could do as one of Gabriel's brothers was ill and needed constant care. One day, Gabriel decided to act: he began to think about how he could help contribute financially to the family.



Gabriel took to the streets and sold bottles of water in his neighborhood: the boy had equipped his bicycle to carry numerous bottles of water and pedaled non-stop up and down the streets where he lived.

Incredible as it might seem, some people objected to Gabriel selling his water in the neighborhood. They sited that he didn't have the proper permits to do so and was breaking the law. As a result, Gabriel had to stop his water-selling business. "I don't think I was wrong: I was stopped without having done anything wrong. I was working and not stealing!" Gabriel said. Later, Gabriel's story was published online and a funding site was started to help him and his family.

Donations poured in and soon, the fund had enough money to allow Gabriel to buy a new home for his family! This story reminds us that just a pinch of generosity and few dollars can completely change the lives of worthy people in need.
