"I want 2,500 children: I'm traveling the world to get as many women pregnant as possible"

by Mark Bennett

February 24, 2023

"I want 2,500 children: I'm traveling the world to get as many women pregnant as possible"

What is the greatest wish for a person? Everyone has their own answer, but the desire to have a child and become a parent is quite common. Not everyone, however, manages to meet the right person to stay with, or maybe they don't want a partner, so they try to become a mom or dad in other ways.

The man we want to tell you about is a very peculiar case which caused an uproar and got a lot of negative criticism. Let's find out why:

via GhanaWeb

Today I was happy to meet my first success in Australia, she is a an absolute cutie, and a good eater! If you want my...

Pubblicato da Joe Donor su Martedì 8 ottobre 2019

The choice to have one or more children is a subjective one which is usually taken as a couple. If you are not in a relationship, however, there are other ways to become parents. Joe Donor, originally from the United States, has sparked a fierce debate due to his declaration of wanting to have 2,500 children and wanting to travel the world to meet as many women as possible in order to do this.

A massive undertaking, to be sure, but Joe seems intent on succeeding.

Joe stated: "I have an average of 10 children a year and I hope to live long enough to continue to do this. At the moment, I am very far from my goal: I only have 160 children, but I want many more". Apparently, to achieve his goal of having 2,500 children, he is be willing to move anywhere in the world.


According to Joe, he has made himself available, even via the web, to all those who dream of having a child, but don't have a partner: he is willing to help them do this. Women contact him on social media and make him an offer, which he usually accepts. In exchange for his "service", Joe does not ask for anything, except that he be paid for the travel expenses to get to his destination. The fact that he has to move around so much doesn't matter to Joe - for him, the fundamental thing is to become a dad over and over again.

Many have criticized Joe, claiming he is taking advantage of desperate and vulnerable women, who are willing to do anything to be mothers - even to "hire" a father.

What do you think about what Joe is doing?
