Two young men pretend to be sick to get a free lift in an ambulance

We know how important first aid and emergency services are. Given this, it is important to understand when it is appropriate (and when it is not) to contact these services for help.
But the two young men in this story did not fully understand this concept. Two 20-year-olds staged a fake emergency incident just to get a "free ride" into the city in an ambulance.
via Today

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This incident took place in Italy, where two 20-year-olds contacted emergency services, claiming that one of them was in great danger. But in fact, the two young men were just lost, lazy and didn't know how to get to their desired destination.
Not wanting or being able to use public transport and not wanting to walk, the young men decided to call emergency services, feigning an illness and requesting to be transported to a hospital in the nearest city. Adding salt to the wound, the entire incident was filmed and posted to social media platforms.
On getting their call, responders soon arrived at the young men's location, but soon realized that the situation was not as serious as they had made out. Nonetheless one of the men insisted that he had chest pain, so the two were taken to the city hospital. This was, in fact, what the young men's "goal" was.

Wallpaperflare - Not the actual photo
Once they got to the hospital, the young men slipped out without being detected. Now, the men are being sought by authorities who will probably want to take legal action against them, if found.
This story shows how important it is to raise children to respect society's norms and values.