Many people put a glass on their hotel room's door handle while on vacation: why?

by Mark Bennett

July 15, 2023

Many people put a glass on their hotel room's door handle while on vacation: why?

Going on vacation is everyone's dream, especially after a long year of hard work and/or daily chores. Taking time off to disconnect and relax is every person's right. However, being organized for the trip is also important.

So, here are some tips on how to do this. Let's find out what they are before you head off out the door:

via Brightside

Pixabay - Not the actual photo

Pixabay - Not the actual photo

Whatever your holiday destination, it is necessary to do some research beforehand. First of all, it is important to know what language is spoken, which currency is used and what personal documents are required to be able to enter in a specific country. Once these things have been arranged, you can think of some precautions for your own safety and for that of your belongings when they get to the destination.

1. Download all the applications you need to your phone, especially those that work without an internet connection. It may happen that you do not have wifi or a telephone network available where you are staying.

2. Make a photocopy and pdfs of all your documents and always keep them in your email so that, if you lose them, you will be able to recover them easily and request a copy.

3. Put a "dummy" wallet in your purse to fool pickpockets who may be on public transport or elsewhere.

Pixabay - Not the actual photo

Pixabay - Not the actual photo

4. Once you arrive at the hotel, make sure that your room is at least on the second floor: those on the ground or first floor are more vulnerable and thieves could easily break in.

5. Communicate your personal data to the staff in the most discreet way possible, so that others do not overhear you.

6. When you leave your room, remember to cover the peephole; if you find it uncovered, notify hotel security immediately.

7. Never put your belongings in the hotel safe - that's the first place a thief would look. Instead, ask the staff to store your valuable elsewhere, or avoid taking precious objects or expensive items on holiday altogether.

8. When you are in your room relaxing, put a glass on the door handle: if someone tries to enter without your knowledge, it will fall and alert you.

9. When you leave your room, put the "do not disturb" sign on the door so as to make thieves think you are still inside.

10. Also remember, if you need to withdraw cash, never do it in isolated places; be careful that no one is nearby and never count banknotes when you are still at the ATM.



10 travel tips that we recommend you keep in mind for a peaceful, safe holiday: did you already know some of these?
