How to iron your clothes without using an iron

by Mark Bennett

September 23, 2023

How to iron your clothes without using an iron

Whether it's hot or not (but especially in the heat), ironing is never considered fun. Yet it is necessary, especially when we care a lot about our appearance: our clothes immediately convey an image of ourselves to others. For those people who often wear clothing items such as shirts, it is absolutely essential to use an iron. Or maybe not?

The result you want to achieve - whether you are a business man (or woman) or someone who travels a lot - is not to have crumpled clothes. But is this possible without using an iron? Let's see together some tips that could prove particularly useful in this regard.

The secret to no longer using the iron

The secret to no longer using the iron

An iron is an effective household appliance. But ironing is time-consuming and expensive (an iron consumes a lot of power). And, in the end, an iron produces nothing more than... steam.

Let's see what could replace the iron. First, there is our shower. Yes, you understood correctly: if conditions permit, by taking a very hot shower, we can take advantage of the steam generated.

So, simply hang up your wrinkled shirt on a hanger and let it "absorb" the steam from the shower. At this point, all that remains is to smooth down the garment with your hands to eliminate the creases! But this is just one of the tips - let's check out the others.


The kitchen as an ally for ironing laundry

The kitchen as an ally for ironing laundry


From the bathroom we move to the kitchen: here we will need a pot - not too large/heavy - and boiling water. What we are going to do is very simple: with the pot about half full of boiling water, we will simulate the movement of the iron and use the heat of this metal container to remove all the creases. Obviously, we recommend checking that the surfaces of the pot are immaculately clean. Be super-careful not to spill the water and scalding yourself.

Last tip: use specific products, such as vaporizer sprays. Just spray the product on wrinkled clothes, smooth them down and then leave the clothes to dry. Nothing more is needed. If you don't want to buy such a product, you can also make one yourself.

To do this, mix two tablespoons of white wine vinegar with a teaspoon of hair conditioner and 500 ml of water. Keep in mind the water should be limescale-free. At this point, all you have to do is transfer this mixture into a spray container and you will be ready to go.
