Woman has more than 800 tattoos all over her body: "I can't find work even cleaning toilets"

by Mark Bennett

July 13, 2023

Woman has more than 800 tattoos all over her body: "I can't find work even cleaning toilets"

Prejudices against people with a large numbers of tattoos is still very wide-spread in today's societies. This can sometimes also create difficulties for heavily-tattooed people to find a job.

Melissa Sloan, a 46-year-old woman from Wales, UK, has struggled to find gainful employment due to prejudices held about her tattooed appearance. Here is her story:

via DailyStar

Despite having previous work experience as a bathroom cleaner, Sloan revealed that she cannot find similar work due to the artwork adorning her face and body. "It's a real problem for me to find work," Sloan said bluntly. "I recently looked for a job cleaning toilets in my area, but was turned down due to my tattoos."

A mother of two, Sloan denied the accusation that she has never worked a job. She stated that she actually had a job in the past, albeit only briefly. 

Sloan's love for tattoos began when she was in her 20s, and she has been getting tattoos ever since. Despite the difficulties she has getting a job, Sloan revealed that she continues to get tattoos (up to three times a week sometimes) and described herself as being "addicted" to the practice.


"If I make it to 70, I'm going to keep getting tattoos," Sloan said. “I would love to cover every inch of my skin, even if I end up turning blue. My face is already turning a bluish tint – I look like a Smurf!” she joked.

Sloan has a particular fondness for facial tattoos, so much so that she no longer has any "free space" on her face. In fact, she has superimposed new tattoos on top of older ones, creating an intricate, multi-layered collage.

"My face has three layers of tattoos. I probably have the most tattoos in the world, or I soon will have," she said. Nonetheless, Sloan believes it's her tattoos on her face in particular that negatively influence people's opinion of her. She said she has faced other hardships (besides not being able to find a job), such as being banned from her local pub and her children's school because of her tattoos.


