A young man won't introduce his girlfriend to his friends because of her physical appearance

by Mark Bennett

June 12, 2023

A young man won't introduce his girlfriend to his friends because of her physical appearance

True love is a pure emotion that captures heart and soul and knows no limits: it is not based on superficialities, but on the deep, mental bond between two people. It is a feeling and emotion that overlooks the other's imperfections and other short-comings. Love does not come for everyone, however, and this can be due to societal stereotyping and prejudices.

This story is about true love and how wonderful it can be to see it thriving in real life.

via Newsweek

Alin and Maria have been subject a lot of discrimination due the differences in their weights. Initially, Alin had concerns about what others would think of Maria: "It wasn't easy to committ to this relationship at first. I knew I liked Maria, but I didn't want to 'show her off' because I was afraid of her being judged by others. I had a kind of mental fear because I thought people would be rude to her," the young man explained.

Alin and Maria met on social media a few years ago. "I've never been in a relationship with a plus-sized woman. There are those who don't believe we love each other and others who find our relationship weird. But the truth is, I've always felt attracted to heavier women, even if I've never had one as a partner before,” Alin stated.


The couple's romance remained secret for almost a year: "For me it wasn't a problem because I was used to situations like this: over the years I realized that many men like chubby women, but avoid committing to a relationship out of fear of being judged,” Maria explained. Now, however, Alin has changed his mind and has become more open about his relationship with Maria. While the couple have been supported by family and friends, they still get negative comments from strangers in the street and online. Alin says such comments don't hurt him anymore: "I don't care about it anymore and I think Maria is beautiful. I am proud of our relationship and nobody can hurt it."

Maria said she is also imprevious to the cruel comments, since she has had to face criticism from an early age: "I think I developed strong self-confidence as a child," she commented. Maria also described the difficulty she has in finding clothes that fit her, but Alin solved this problem: he learned to sew bespoke clothes for Maria in just 30 days. "I wanted her to feel beautiful and have beautiful clothes," he said.

The two explained that they made their love public in order to break down society's prejudices and "fat-shaming" and encouraged other couples to do the same. What do you think of this story?
