An elderly woman welcomes an abandoned child into her home: in the future, he intends to pay her back (+ VIDEO)

by Mark Bennett

May 31, 2023

An elderly woman welcomes an abandoned child into her home: in the future, he intends to pay her back (+ VIDEO)

Children always manage to amaze us in the most surprising ways thanks to their innate curiosity and sensitivity: it is extraordinary how they manage to understand the emotions and needs of others. They are able to pick up on non-verbal cues that many adults may not notice, and respond empathically, demonstrating genuine concern for the well-being of others.

Empathy is a characteristic that we usually associate with adults, but sometimes, kids can show this quality too. The story we are about to tell you about here is a clear example of this.

via Inspiredstories

Little Ernesto is very fond of his grandmother: abandoned when he was just a baby, he was welcomed in by his grandmother. The two lived in a dangerous neighborhood and longed for a better life. They occupied a shack built with recycled materials and had been built illegally on land that did not belong to them. Despite their plight, Ernesto's grandmother prayed every day for deliverance and happiness.

Aware of the enormous sacrifices made by his grandmother to give him a hot meal every evening, one day little Ernesto decided to help her sell flowers in the streets: in fact, Ernesto wants to earn enough to afford to study to become a doctor.

Recently, Ernesto caught the attention of a content creator named Aaron Murphy, who was interested in his story. Together, they visited Ernesto's modest home, which touched Murphy. Emotionally moved, the influencer decided to do something for Ernesto and his grandmother. He has started a fundraiser to help them find decent housing.


Murphy managed to raise $49,572 dollars, well surpassing his initial goal of $45,000. A total of 1,600 donors contributed to the fund, and their generosity changed Ernesto's life forever.

When the donations started pouring in, Murphy decided to take Ernesto and his grandmother shopping, an experience they'd never had before. They visited many department stores, where Ernesto was able to buy as many books and toys as he wanted.

Ernesto was thrilled as he browsed the shelves, choosing toys, books and school supplies for his studies. Later, Ernesto was surprised with a special gift - a tablet for his studies.

Ernesto sells flowers on the street to become a doctor one day

Ernesto sells flowers on the street to become a doctor one day. You won't believe what happens next 🥺😢

Pubblicato da Diply su Giovedì 17 febbraio 2022

Ernesto's grandmother was overcome with the gifts she received: "I could never have afforded such things. Now, my little Ernesto will be able to afford to have the childhood he deserves and will be able to concentrate his energies on his studies to fulfill his dream of becoming a doctor! A big thank-you to all the wonderful people who have helped us," she said in tears.

Sometimes a small contribution can really make a difference in people's lives.

What do you think about this story?
