A plane is forced to turn back because a mother forgot her infant son at the airport

by Mark Bennett

May 21, 2023

A plane is forced to turn back because a mother forgot her infant son at the airport

Let's admit it - who has never forgotten something? Even something quite important, like a meeting, or a date with a loved one. The reasons can be many, but the fact is, people often forget things. However, when you forget about a person being around (when they should be)... well, that's a bit different!

The mother in this story knows something about this "oversight". Catching a flight, this mother remembered to do everything necessary for it - more or less...

via People

Marco Verch Professional Photographer/Flickr - Not the actual photo

Marco Verch Professional Photographer/Flickr - Not the actual photo

A mother booked on a Saudia Airlines flight was ready to depart and, between the stress and haste, she found herself making a "small" mistake...

Go the suitcases? Boarding passes? Check. Tickets in hand, right gate and on time, the mother's departure went perfectly "smoothly" and without any hitches. Except, maybe, for one...

This mother had forgotten her infant son in the airport boarding area ... Luckily, she fairly quickly realized what she had done. But the plane had already taken off and was in flight. So, what could be done?

Ai Generated/Psycode - Not the actual photo

Ai Generated/Psycode - Not the actual photo

In a complete panic, the mother rushed up to the cockpit to get help from the captain.

Practically screaming, the mother explained what she had done and said they had to go back immediately: her child was alone and defenseless in a huge, crowded airport.

"For the love of god! A passenger on this flight has forgotten her child at the departure gate! Can I have permission to return?": this was the request made by radio by the captain to air traffic control. Permission was given and the flight returned to the airport!

The role of parent can be really stressful and hectic and sometimes you risk "losing your mind". But just be careful not to lose your kids!
