Parents decide to name their son Lucifer: the registry office refuses to register him (+VIDEO)

When a child comes into this world, one of the things new parents discuss exhaustively is the name to give him or her. Depending on the gender of the unborn child, the options can be numerous and everyone has his or her favorites. It often happens that it takes days, weeks and even months before making a decision. But once it is done, it is normal for both spouses to feel satisfied with the choice.
On the other hand, there are relatives and friends who may not like the choice and perhaps criticize it. In the story we are about to tell you here, an official in the names registry office tried to stop a couple from giving their infant a specific name.
via Mirror

Joe Kirschling/Flickr - Not the actual photo
This story took place in Derbyshire, United Kingdom, where two new parents went to the registry office to register the details of their newborn son - but they met resistance. It was once the parents - Dan and Mandy Sheldon, 37 and 32 - told the registrar their chosen name, that the problems began. The registrar just couldn't understand how these parents could have chosen the name Lucifer for their innocent child.
Dan recalled: "We were enthusiastic about the name we chose. But the authorities at the office looked at us in disgust. The registrar asked us if we were sure about our decision. She told us that our son's life would not be easy and he could be bullied and teased.Then, she told us that in some countries giving a child the name of the devil is forbinned. She suggested we call our child Lucifer only in the privacy of our own home". But Mr and Mrs Sheldon didn't agree with this.

The two parents insisted on getting their way. In addition to being atheists, they do not believe the name has negative conotations. For them, Lucifer just means "light bringer" and also "morning star" - no reference to evil or the devil at all.
"We just thought about how unique and uncommon this name was, but we never imagined that it would cause us so much pain. This is why I decided to file an official complaint about how we were treated at the registry office," Dan said.
The parents have now received a letter of apology from the Derbyshire County Council. The letter regrets having caused an inconvenience for the family and unintentionally offended them, but also made it clear that their employee had behaved correctly: "It is the duty of every officer to inform people of what could happen. Sometimes, one can be unaware of associations or ideas with respect to a name and it is right and proper to point this out," the letter stated.
Despite all this, Dan and Mandy stuck to their guns and now their son's name has been officially registered as Lucifer Sheldon. What do you think of this couple's decision: risky or harmless?