Daughter bumps into her biological parents and pretends not to recognize them: "They abandoned me when I was only 6"

by Mark Bennett

April 26, 2023

Daughter bumps into her biological parents and pretends not to recognize them: "They abandoned me when I was only 6"

Being a parent is a wonderful experience, but also a very demanding one: giving birth to a child means assuming an enormous responsibility. So, how do we cope with very difficult challenges? Not everyone can handle life's problems and for this reason, most of the time, you can rely on support from your loved ones. But - of course - everything has a limit.

The story we are about to tell you concerns a young woman and her biological parents. Read on to find out more:

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Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

The young woman (we'll call her Vicky) said she was raised by her uncle and aunt, as her older sister fell seriously ill when she was 6 and her parents were unable to care for either of them. As a result, Vicky's parents decided to leave her with her relatives. Later, Vicky's grandparents and uncle explained what had happened and she was very angry with her parents for abandoning her. Since then, Vicky has seen her parents about 5 times in 9 years, and she decided not to have contact with them ever since she turned 12. In short, she wrote them off.

"My early life went wel: I love my uncle and aunt and I found out they can't have children so I am the one the stork brought them. I was formally adopted by them when I turned 18. I wished it had been sooner but there were some bureaucratic things that would have made it very expensive and difficult. I'm 21 now," Vicky explained.

Vicky's sister passed away a few years later and she attended her funeral. But she stood at the back of the church and and left before her birth parents had a chance to speak to her. Later, her parents contacted her uncle to try to talk to her, but Vicky said she was unavailable. At another time, her parents waited outside her home so they could talk to Vicky face-to-face:

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

Vicky, however, pretended not to know her biological parents, saying: "Excuse me, do I know you?". Her parents replied: "We are your real parents!" Vicky replied: "My real parents are inside this house." "You really don't recognize us?" her parents insisted. "You're my father's brother, no? I think I remember you from when I was little," Vicky said curtly.

"My aunt thinks I handled the situation correctly and that my parents deserved it," Vicky said. "Other family members think I was too harsh, but I don't think they should get a pass just because they have suddenly 'rediscovered' me," she said. That said, Vicky turned to users on the net for their opinions.

Users supported Vicky unanimously: "Your biological parents may have felt unable to take care of you and your sister, but they could have kept in touch, explained things to you, shown you love even if someone else was taking care of you. They abandoned you with no explanation and no attempt to stay in your life. Tell them they stopped being your parents when they stopped acting like parents," one user commented. What do you think about this story?
