Vegan mom is furious when she finds out her daughter ate chicken nuggets

by Mark Bennett

April 25, 2023

Vegan mom is furious when she finds out her daughter ate chicken nuggets

Raising children can be a challenge, especially when you are bombarded with advice about what food to give kids and what lifestyle they should follow. Today, many people choose a vegan diet for moral, environmental protection or health reasons.

When you are a vegan parent, it is likely that you will want your kids to be vegans also. One mother recounted, via an online post, how her ex-husband fed her daughter non-vegan foods, causing a major argument. The woman had expected to be consulted about what food her daughter should be given, but this did not happen in this case.

via Reddit

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

The woman said on Reddit that she started a vegan diet when she first met her husband. When their daughter was born, they agreed together to feed her a vegan diet as well. After the divorce, the little girl grew being a vegan for 8 years. But then, the girl's mother discovered that her ex-husband had fed her chicken nuggets.

"I had gone to pick her up for dinner time. While we were returning home, my daughter told me she was hungry. I offered her my apple, but she said she wanted chicken nuggets. I said no and she started having a tantrum. She told me I'm a bad mother, and that her dad would allow her eat chicken nuggets every day of the week," the woman recounted.

The next morning, the little girl apologized, fearing that her mother would no longer love her because she had eaten meat. The mother explained to her daughter that she wasn't angry with her, but pointed out that she shouldn't have had a temper tantrum.

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

The mother sorted everything out with her little girl, but not with her ex. Her ex-husband justified what he did by saying that he had avoided telling the woman the truth so as not to make her angry. Reddit users agreed with the mother, arguing that it should have been a mutually agreed choice.

In the end, these parents agreed to allow their daughter to choose whether or not to eat animal products occasionally, while still maintaining a mostly vegan diet. What do you think about this story?
