Teacher does not accept her low salary and resigns: "It's too low - I can't get by on it"

by Mark Bennett

April 09, 2023

Teacher does not accept her low salary and resigns: "It's too low - I can't get by on it"

We have all fantasized about the profession we would have liked to practice when we grew up. Everyone has their own ideas, preferences and skills, and unfortunately not everyone succeeds in landing their dream job. However, those who have managed to do this, also know that things are not always so rosy in the face of reality.

The woman at the center of this story knows this very well. She got her dream job, but was later forced to give it up. Let's find out why:

via Milenio

Una buena risa y una larga siesta son dos cosas que curan casi todo. 🌸

Pubblicato da Diana Clarissa su Lunedì 16 novembre 2020

Diana Clarissa is a Mexican woman who had always dreamed of becoming a teacher. After years of studying, she finally succeeded in getting a teaching position. For many years, she worked a teacher, but eventually realized that her profession was not giving her enough.

Although there are things that we can be passionate about, we also have to be realistic. Diana realized her salary was too low in order to afford to live a fulfilling life - and this is why Diana left the teaching profession.


"I always wanted to be a teacher, but problem is that on a teachers' salary, I do not have enought to pay the bills, go shopping and support my family. When you have just one child, you realize a teachers' salary is just not enough". And we agree with Diana on this issue.

Everyone has to face the reality of paying bills. Diana tried raising the issue with the school, but without any success. In the end, Diana ended up leaving the teaching profession permanently.

Diana Clarissa/Facebook

Diana Clarissa/Facebook

Later, Diana decided to take her story public, so that others could learn about the plight of the country's teachers. And, in fact, it is not just the teaching profession - more and more often now, we are finding those in other professions who have to struggle to make ends meet.

Diana was had the courage and means to quit her low-paying job, but how many people could/can do the same? What do you think about this topic?
