Mother wants to give her daughter the name of a fairytale character: "The registry office didn't want to allow it"

by Mark Bennett

April 03, 2023

Mother wants to give her daughter the name of a fairytale character: "The registry office didn't want to allow it"

In recent times, more parents are giving their children non-traditional names: there is a tendency to try to find a name that is completely unique and/or which has a very special significance. Danielle Shap, a 45-year-old English mother, knows this very well, having found it difficult to register the name of her third daughter.

The woman, residing in Enfield, north of London, was inspired in her name choice by a character in a fairy tale. Despite the push-back, Danielle insisted on giving her daughter the name she had chosen.

via The Sun

Pixabay - Not the Actual Photo

Pixabay - Not the Actual Photo

"When I went to the registry office to register the name of my third child, the registrar refused to file the form and advised me to think seriously about my decision," Danielle said. Danielle had decided to call her daughter "Lola Cinderella" and she had no intention of changing her mind about this.

"The registrar warned me that others would make fun of my little girl, but I stuck with my choice," Danielle said. She went on to explain that the name was cute and she would not change her mind: "I thought this was supposed to be a fairytale experience: instead, it was a nightmare," Danielle stated.

Pixabay - Not the Actual Photo

Pixabay - Not the Actual Photo

Once the registrar realized Danielle could not be swayed, he checked to see if the name was "allowed." In many countries around the world, certain names are forbidden. There are no particular prohibitions in the UK, except in circumstances where the name could be considered as offensive.

After the checks, Danielle finally got her daughter registered as Lola Cinderella at the registry office. But why Cinderella? "After two hours of labor, my daughter was born at the stroke of midnight and she's my little princess. I wouldn't have changed her name for the world," Danielle explained. Danielle says her name choice has received mixed reactions from friends and relatives: there are those who were perplexed; and then there were those who were enthusiastic about her choice.

What do you think about Danielle's choice?
