Man takes a trip with his girlfriend instead of taking care of his nephew: the whole family calls him selfish

by Mark Bennett

March 13, 2023

Man takes a trip with his girlfriend instead of taking care of his nephew: the whole family calls him selfish

For most people, family comes first: as they say, "blood is thicker than water". Even if you don't always get along, there's always a blood bond that makes it hard to say "no" to some requests - but there's a limit to everything.

For example, you cannot agree to help a relative if this translates into giving up your life: this is what the subject of our story believes - a 24-year-old man who argued with his 31-year-old brother, Luke his wife Emma, aged 28.

via Reddit

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

"My brother Luke and his wife Emma have a son, Kyle, who is 4 years old. I generally don't have much patience with children, but Kyle is my nephew and Emma got a job in the same town I live in, so they moved in my neighborhood and for the last year I agreed to look after Kyle 1 or 2 times every two weeks. I work remotely, so I was able to manage doing this. Also, Kyle was well-behaved and didn't disturb me while I was doing my work," explained the young man.

After a few months, Luke also managed to find work in the city and this complicated things a bit: "This led them to depend on me more to take care of Kyle. So, it went from once or twice every two weeks to about 3 days a week. On top of that, Kyle's behavior changed dramatically. To be completely honest, I can hardly stand the kid anymore. He runs around and screams while I am trying to work and he generally acts like a little brat," he continued.

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

Emma also asked the young man to modify his furniture to make the house "safer" for her child, but the man ignored this. The man was also used to spending at least one weekend a month out of town with his girlfriend, but his "duty" to Luke meant postponing this. After giving up on his private life for a couple of months, however, the man told Luke he was going away for a week. Both his brother and his brother's wife were furious: "They told me that I have to stop these 'childish trips' and that I have to take more responsibility because 'now I am an uncle'. After hearing, this I lost my temper," he said.

After the argument, the young man received a flood of messages from his parents who scolded him and accused him of being selfish. This reaction caused the man to doubt himself: "I'm starting to wonder if I should really take more responsibility," he commented, seeking opinions from internet users. Most users supported the man and said he should stick to his guns.

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