Man accuses his stay-at-home wife of doing nothing during the day: she films herself doing all her chores

by Mark Bennett

April 02, 2023

Man accuses his stay-at-home wife of doing nothing during the day: she films herself doing all her chores

We all know that there will be quarrels that arise in any relationship, right? And one of the most common fights start from the utterance of the statement "you don't do anything around this house!".

The story we are about to tell you started just like this: a fight which ended up generating 10.7 million views online! So, what exactly happened?

via Independent



The subject of this story is Sierra and she is a stay-at-home mom. During an argument with her partner, the woman Sierra was told was accused of doing nothing all day: her partner accused her of leading an "easy" life while he had to go to work.

Sierra didn't take this accusation very well at all and she devised a way to show her partner how wrong he was. So, Sierra filmed herself for an entire day: in the video she shows all the household chores she does every day.

We see her tidying up the house, picking up the clothes and the toys from the floor, doing the laundry, preparing food for her children and then feeding them, washing the dishes and tidying up the kitchen, packing away the shopping, cleaning the toilets... In short, Sierra is seen working all day doing household chores. So, how did her partner react after seeing the footage?


Sierra's partner apologized to her, now aware of the myriad of activities and chores she has to do daily. However, Sierra's video sparked a wave of controversy: many users strongly supported Sierra; others harshly criticized her partner. Many women said they identified with Sierra and her frustration about being accused of doing nothing at home.

Another housewife, Bridgette Anne, posted this comment: "Everyone thinks being a full-time, stay-at-home mom is easy, that we're lucky not having to go out to work. Some call us lazy and that being a housewife is not a "real" job, and we have nothing to complain about. But the truth is, it's a lonely and challenging role. You can't do anything by yourself, not even go to the bathroom or enjoy a cup of coffee without having a screaming and needy child clinging to your leg. You have no breaks, you wear the same clothes that smell of sweat and tears for several days in a row so as not to dirty new ones. You forget what it means to be a individual because your entire existence now revolves around the children.”

The role of housewife deserves greater appreciation and respect. What do you think about this topic? Do you think housework is comparable to working outside of the home?
