School authorities patch the tears in this mother's daughter's jeans: the woman is furious (+VIDEO)

by Mark Bennett

March 06, 2023

School authorities patch the tears in this mother's daughter's jeans: the woman is furious (+VIDEO)

When in public places it is always advisable to respect the rules and to avoid appearing rude or impolite. Whether it's in a hospital, for example, or in an office or a shop, it doesn't matter: the fundamental thing is to adhere to good social etiquette.

Among the places where this etiquette should be displayed is at school. The rules are different for different schools, but there is a so-called minimum set of standards of what is considered decent. But what if these standards are not observed? Well, then you might find yourself having an experience like the mother in this story had. Read on to find out more:

via New York Post

I fail as a Mom sometimes. I don't always say the right things. I don't have an amazing figure or a flat stomach. I'm...

Pubblicato da Shanah Drummond su Lunedì 18 settembre 2017

Shanah Drummond is a mother from Missouri, who triggered a heated debate on the internet with the publication of a video. The woman showed the moment when she went to her daughter's school to protest against action that had been taken regarding her young daughter.

Apparently, the girl had gone to class wearing ripped jeans - which the school deemed as inappropriate attire. Unable to find a spare pair of jeans for the girl, the school authorities used red tape to cover the holes in the girl's torn jeans. This action infuriated Shanah.

Q/Youtube screenshot

Q/Youtube screenshot

Shanah got a message from her daughter about what had happened and immediately went to school. When she got to the school, Shanah asked the authorities if taking action like this was absolutely necessary.

“Am I wrong thinking that the school shouldn't have put duct tape on my daughter's jeans? I just think it would have been much or appropriate to contact me and ask me to bring my daughter another pair of pants,” Shanah stated.

Many users came out in support of Shanah and stated that the school should have called her before putting "patches" on her daughter's jeans. On the other hand, there are those who supported the school, saying that dress codes must be followed, and it is up to parents to ensure that their children dress properly for school.

Shanah pointing out how the tape used could have affected her daughter's skin and the school had not taken this into consideration at all.

What do you think about this story?
