Son refuses to take care of his sick mother: "She always ignored me and favored my sisters"

by Mark Bennett

February 21, 2023

Son refuses to take care of his sick mother: "She always ignored me and favored my sisters"

The relationship between parents and children should be special and indissoluble - but unfortunately this is not always the case. Not all parents are perfect, and not all children know how to return the love they receive. The truth is clear: whether we play the role of child or parent, we are all human beings and as such, we are inclined to make mistakes.

So what can you do if you have an unaffectionate mother who ruined your childhood? This is the dilemma faced by the subject of this story, a young man, who turned to the internet for advice. Read on to find out more:

via Reddit

Pixabay - Not the Actual Photo

Pixabay - Not the Actual Photo

The young man explained that he is the oldest of 4 children and the only boy. His mother always wanted only daughters and so, he was pushed aside and largely ignored by his mother. Later, his father passed away and the man - then just a boy - found himself alone, unwanted and ignored by his sisters (who were all very close to their mother).

"My mother loved to tell everyone that she was a mother of three daughters. I was often left at home while she spent her days out with the girls. There was never a mother and son day. Sometimes, she told me she forgot she had a son. I did everything possible to try to be a good son and to win her love. I left home when I turned 18 and went to therapy to boost my self-esteem and to try to heal my emotional scars,” the young man said.

Pixabay - Not the Actual Photo

Pixabay - Not the Actual Photo

The young man cut off all contact with his mother and sisters, until the latter contacted him recently, explaining that their mother had fallen ill: "They admitted they didn't miss me, but they wanted my help to take care of my mother -  I refused to do so. They contacted me four times and the last time I told them I would not lift a finger to help my mother, or them. They replied that she's still my mother and they're still my sisters and I need to act like an adult," he explained, asking Reddit users for their opinion on how to deal with his family.

Users sided with the young man: "You don't owe her anything. She wasn't there for your needs and you don't have to be there for hers. Ignore your sister and keep building your own happy life,” one person commented.

What do you think and what would have done in this young man's shoes?
