Delivery man picks up an order from a cake shop and is stunned when he discovers his name on the package

by Mark Bennett

March 21, 2023

Delivery man picks up an order from a cake shop and is stunned when he discovers his name on the package

The lockdown period was not easy for any of us: it was not at all pleasant to be locked up at home for weeks without being to see anyone in the flesh. But it was possible to make the isolation a little more bearable, thanks to home deliveries. Dozens of delivery staff worked tirelessly to provide vital services: from delivering clothes and food, delivery staff risked their lives for us. Some took this sacrifice for granted, but others wanted made an effort to thank the delivery riders.

via Understandingcompassion

YouTube - CGTN

YouTube - CGTN

In Wuhan, China, a delivery man received a pleasant surprise: he had gone to a pastry shop to collect a birthday cake for a customer, but - together with the package to be delivered - he too received gift . His reaction was caught on surveillance cameras at the store and the recording was shared on YouTube, where it received tens of thousands of views.

In the video, the delivery man can be seen entering the pastry shop to pick up an order. The cashier shows him the ticket and the man discovers that his name is written on it: he asks the girl at the pastry shop for confirmation, and the young woman nods. The customer who had ordered the cake had expressly requested to give a slice to the delivery man. In fact, on the ticket, the customer had written: "I ordered an extra slice for the delivery man. Please, remember give it to him".

YouTube - CGTN

YouTube - CGTN

In an extraordinary coincidence, the delivery man revealed it was his birthday, so the surprise he received was really emotional for him. In fact, the security cameras at the back of the shop showed the young man sitting down, taking off his mask and eating his slice of cake, holding back his tears of joy.

Lockdown was tough for all of us, but we all said to each other "that we'll come out of this better people" and such stories are proof that this did happen - at least for some of us.
