Young woman opens a bar and on the first day of work, all her friends join her: a surprise show of support

by Mark Bennett

November 09, 2022

Young woman opens a bar and on the first day of work, all her friends join her: a surprise show of support

Starting a new business can be very challenging. The first day is almost always an anxious time for many, wondering if customers will show up or if they will like the service offered. Surely, a demonstration of support from friends and relatives can help a lot.

A cute video shared on Reddit, shows a young woman who has opened a bar and is ready for her first day of business, when she gets a pleasant surprise.

via Reddit



Unexpectedly, while the young woman is at her bar, she discovers that all her friends have turned up. The video, entitled "Young woman has opened a new business and all her friends came out on the first day to surprise her", touched many users on the web. In the video, we see the woman walking towards the bar and many of her friends turn out of her greet her, applaud her and support her. Two girls are seen jumping for joy at seeing their friend start her brand new business.

The woman looks at all the people in amazement and starts crying with emotion as she walks along. It seems that her best friends convinced everyone else to turn up to support the young bar owner. The crowd cheering her clearly means a lot to her. The video got loads of view and attracted dozens of comments.



"She must be a really great person to have so many friends," noted one user. Others users posted jokes: "Twist to the story - she's crying because she doesn't have enough staff or enough inventory to handle all the customers customers." Adding to the joke, another said: "And then they all asked for a discount."

One user asked a somewhat strange question: "This is a lot of friends. How do you remember all their names?" But obviously, there were many people, strangers, who just turned up to wish the young woman well in her new business.

What a nice gesture to make, don't you think?
