Young boy always dreamed of having a little brother: his dream is eventually realized

by Mark Bennett

February 13, 2023

Young boy always dreamed of having a little brother: his dream is eventually realized

Children are innocent and spontaneous: most of the time, many of them look at the world with curious eyes and rely totally on their parent and grandparents. In fact, many children can "spoiled" a bit and get whatever they ask for. But this was not the case for little Mikey. Only six years old, Mikey wanted a little brother and for all the right reasons: he was aware that his life would be better with a little brother by his side.

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This was Mikey's dream: he constantly asked his parents if they could give him a little brother and in the meantime he organized events and set aside and games to share with a sibling. Mikey was ready to become the perfect big brother: "once, Mikey even insisted that his mother eat more chicken wings so that his little brother would have red hair, just like him," said Michael, his father.

He and his wife Jessica did their best to placate Mikey, but they encountered some difficulties: this prompted them to be honest with Mikey and they explained these obstacles. Little Mikey was incredibly understanding. He was silent for a while but then reassured his parents that all was okay, because he still had his dog, Dillinger. This was such a sweet and mature response, that it touched the hearts of the whole family.


A few weeks later, Jessica discovered she was pregnant. Her parents were over the moon, but Mikey literally cried with joy, knowing his brother was finally on his way. The birth of little Jake was a little complicated, but in the end, everything went well.

As soon as he saw Jake, Mikey reached out to hug his little brother. The first weeks of Jake's life were filled with warm hugs from his older brother. Even if things had been difficult, little Jake is extremely lucky: he will grow up alongside an older brother who is ever-ready to protect him and be his best friend.
