Woman is expecting her 4th son: "What a disappointment this is - I wanted a girl"

by Mark Bennett

January 20, 2023

Woman is expecting her 4th son: "What a disappointment this is - I wanted a girl"

When you learn that you will become a parent in a few months, you might be very excited and might ask yourself if the baby will be a boy or a girl. Whatever the answer to this question, almost every mom and dad will say that it's okay and that their greatest happiness is to welcome a new member of the family - or at least this is what most people believe.

There are some parents, in fact, who do have a preference for a boy or a girl, and they don't mind admitting this openly. And this is exactly what the subject of this story did. Read on to find out why:

via 7 News

It is commonly believed that parents-to-be don't worry about the gender of their baby. But this is not always the case. For examaple, Erica Swinehart, a 24-year-old mother from Florida, in the United States, declared that she was very upset when her fourth son was born.

In a "confession" shared on social media, Erica openly stated that when she learned she was pregnant, she hoped a she was expecting a girl. "Many have thanked me for being honest about this. It is not always easy to talk about this type of thing and one risks being criticized harshly if you do. But I think it is right to say what you feel and express it without being criticized for it," Erica said.

@theswineharts/Tik Tok

@theswineharts/Tik Tok

Erica explained that she wasn't completely against having another boy, but she was sad that this would most likely be her last child and she had always wanted a girl. "I dreamt about shopping with her, choosing a wedding dress and doing similar 'girly things' with her. Instead, I will only be a mother-in-law in the future. It is normal to be disappointed about the gender of your baby but this does not mean you won't love your infant any less," Erica stated.

Frank and honest words and many parents supported Erica for having spoken about this subject and for explaining that it is not such a negative thing.

Have you had any experiences like this? What do you think?
