"I make up to $7,000 a month running errands that others don't want to do"

The workplace is increasingly tough and hostile for the young and the old, and some sectors and occupations seem completely out of regular people's reach. The subject of this story, for example, after graduating in biology, decided to put science aside to work in the world of acting and become an actress. But even this industry is near-impossible to break into. To earn something, then, this woman began to do random jobs which, over time, began to take up most of her time. But let's see in detail what happened:
via Business Insider
Vanessa Garcia is a 28-year-old Mexican woman who has "made her fortune" thanks to an app that connects anyone, who needs help with some household chores or errands, to the outside world. The young woman lives in Los Angeles and, although she has a degree in biology, she has chosen to follow another path - she wants to be an actress. But it is certainly not easy for her to get well-paid, regualr acting gigs. One day, however, a friend of hers showed her an app: Taskrabbit (which is an app where people place ads to have small chores or daily errands done for them). Her friend, for example, had offered to assemble Ikea furniture for users; however, the range of jobs to be done is very wide and Vanessa has slowly exploited the full potential of the app.
"I wasted no time and signed up for Taskrabbit immediately. I discovered that you could do much more than just assemble Ikea furniture," said the enterprising young woman, "There were requests of all kinds: from wrapping gifts to rearranging wardrobes, to being a personal event planning assistant. I started doing jobs on the weekend. A few years later I started taking full advantage of everything the app had to offer and signed up for all the jobs I could get and do." The bottom line is that, today, Vanessa makes up to $7,000 a month running someone else's errands.
It is also a very flexible way of working, given that no one forces Vnessa to take on a minimum of weekly jobs: "Sometimes I work seven days a week, others only three. It's about having a little flexibility and the ability to choose when and for how long you can commit".
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