Young girl forgets her money and a policeman buys her snack for her: she sends him a letter and $10 to thank him

by Mark Bennett

January 12, 2023

Young girl forgets her money and a policeman buys her snack for her: she sends him a letter and $10 to thank him

Children are often taught to have respect for law and authority personnel, such as police officers. In fact, the little ones don't always know how to behave in their presence, even if, at the same time, they are intrigued by these authorities.

Luckily, some parents teach their children that there is nothing to fear from such figures, on the contrary: they are generally kind and helpful people who work tirelessly to protect citizens and ensure their safety.


When 9-year-old Brooke Yost realized she hadn't brought her wallet with her when she went out and couldn't buy a box of donuts at a gas station, she figured she would have to leave the shop without her snack. However, and luckily for her,  a soft-hearted police officer noted Brooke's plight and offered to pay for her.

Young Brooke thanked the officer before running out of the shop with her donuts. "I didn't know what to do," said the little girl: "I felt very embarrassed." Shortly thereafter, however, when Brooke returned home, she thought about the officer's generosity and decided to write a thank-you note to the police department in her area. Along with the letter, she enclosed a $10 bill to cover the cost of the donuts.


"Dear Police Department," wrote the little girl: "My name is Brooke and I am 9 years old. I was in the Sheetz store this morning, but I had forgotten my wallet. A nice policeman behind me kindly paid for my order. I  thanked him, but now I feel guilty because I have not been able to repay him. So, together with the letter, I have decided to send you the money I owe him. I want to thank this officer again. We are safe with officers like him around, Kind regards, Brooke".

Brooke's letter reached Officer Chad Savannah, the policeman who had paid for her snack. However, the entire police station was impressed by Officer Savannah. To thank Brooke for her letter, the police station staff sent her a $50 gift voucher to spend at a toy store. But instead of using it, Brooke chose to donate the voucher to charity. To further reward Brooke, the police officers invited her to tour the police station - offering her lots of donuts too, of course!

Congratulations Brooke!
