"My husband cheated on me with my sister: now she is in trouble, but I don't want to help her"

by Mark Bennett

January 29, 2023

"My husband cheated on me with my sister: now she is in trouble, but I don't want to help her"

The bond between brothers and sisters is something special, but there are boundaries that must never be crossed, not even by siblings. But sometimes, complicated situations can arise that are worthy of a soap opera. A great example of this is the subject of our story - who we will call Jane - asked the web for advice on how to behave after her sister - who we will call Betty - came back into her life after a long separation. The two hadn't spoken to each other for years because Jane had caught Betty in bed with her now ex-husband. Jane never got over this - "the worst day in my life", she said.

via Reddit

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

The incident happened seven years ago: "I was married and expecting a child when things totally fell apart. At 10 weeks, I had a miscarriage. Then, I came home to find my husband in bed with my sister. They both tried to apologize and convince me that we could get past it. But I didn't want anything to do with either of them and even less so when I found out Betty was pregnant," Jane said. Soon after this incident, Jane divorced her ex and erased her sister from her life. Betty went on to have three children with Jane's ex. Jane refused all attempts to reconcile with her sister, even when her parents begged her to.

Two years ago, Jane married her current husband: "His family is nothing short of fantastic. I love them all so much," Jane said. Recently, however, Betty has tried to reach out to Jane: "She called me at work and said she needed me and if I could come to see her. I hung up the phone and went on about my day," Jane said.

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

At this point, Jane's parents came forward to tell her what had happened: Betty had fallen pregnant with a fourth child, but unfortunately, she lost it in a state of advanced pregnancy. Then, Betty found out that her partner (Jane's ex) was cheating on her. So Betty returned to live with with her parents: "My parents asked me to forgive my sister, but I refused. They were furious and said I have to forgive her because she is suffering now and her children should get to know their aunt," Jane explained. Conflicted, Jane asked the internet for advice on how to handle the situation.

Most offered advice along the following lines: "I'm incredibly sorry that both of you had to go through all this - both the miscarriages and the cheating, but this is karma being served up. Also, I wonder what kind of a man sees his wife have a miscarraige and thinks it's the perfect time to cheat on her?"

What do you think about this situation?
