Man loses his home and can't find a reason to keep living: Strangers raise $60,000 for him

by Mark Bennett

December 22, 2022

Man loses his home and can't find a reason to keep living: Strangers raise $60,000 for him

Life often throws up tough challenges for us and which we hope we will overcome these and get to "better times". Most people, fortunately, do not lose all hope, even when things get particularly difficult. Unfortunately, however, there are some obstacles which seem truly insurmountable. The subject of this story was in dire straits and was terrified of becoming homeless; with nothing left to wake up to each day, this man wished for his life to end. Fortunately, as soon as his situation was made known to others, people rushed to his aid.

via GoFund Me

Gofund Me

Gofund Me

Amir Farsoud is a Canadian citizen who could no longer find the will to keep living. His biggest concern was his precarious financial position: some days, Amir only had $7 left to buy food. The rest of his money went to his rent. One day, however, Farsoud learned that the flat he shared with two roommates had been put up for sale. This news so distressed Amir that he considered registering for the assisted suicide program provided by the Canadian government. Of course, not everyone can apply: the guidelines are extremely strict. Applicants must be over 18 and be "mentally competent", able to use the Canadian healthcare system, have a "serious and untreatable medical condition" and/or be making the request voluntarily.

Amir would have been eligible for the program due to his incurable back pain. But thisis not why he thought of applying. Amir no longer saw a future for himself and could not bear the thought of becoming homeless.


Fortunately, Amir was not actually on his own: once his story became known, an anonymous fundraiser was set up on GoFund Me to help him. Friends, acquaintances and complete strangers donated to the fund and raised a whopping $60,000 for him. Amir was overwhelmed by such a show of generosity and changed his mind about wanting to resort to assisted suicide.

"Thanks to your incredible kindness and support - as well as those who are helping me find long-term housing - I have been given a second chance at life," Amir said.

We are aware that difficult situations like Amir's are not isolated cases, but we are very happy to know that he is still alive today. A show of solidarity can make all the difference.
