Car owners park over the lines to prevent others from getting in next to them: a man concocts a small 'revenge'

by Mark Bennett

December 24, 2022

Car owners park over the lines to prevent others from getting in next to them: a man concocts a small 'revenge'

During the day, each of us meet many people, make new acquaintances, have different experiences and, at times, run into anti-social behavior by others. What do you do these cases: do you talk to the person, or do you look for a way to teach them a lesson in a less orthodox way?

The subject of this story devised a cunning revenge to teach a lesson to someone who had behaved badly in a public parking lot.

via Reddit



In a post that appeared on Reddit, a user recounted an experience he had one Friday evening. After work, he went to the mall to do some shopping and noticed something that bothered him very much. Two cars had parked straddling the parking bay lines to prevent others from parking alongside them.

This behavior didn't go down well with the author of the post and, instead of parking elsewhere - and there were several empty bays nearby - he did his utmost to squeeze into the bay next to these cars. "Most people would have mumbled something to themselves and then gone looking for another bay: not me," wrote the man. He continued: "My car is quite small and it would fit between the offending cars, so I decided to park right there. It took me about two minutes to squeeze into the tight space, but I finally succeeded."

After parking, the man went off to do his shopping in peace. While in the checkout line, he noticed that the cars' owners had come back and were visibly agitated.

Pxhere - Not the actual photo

Pxhere - Not the actual photo

"I enjoyed watching them flail around trying to figure out how to get into their cars," the man said. "Then, while I was finishing my shopping, one of them managed to get out but the other couldn't. When I approached, the owner of the car started shouting at me about how I had parked. But I pointed out that I was parked within the lines of the bay and she wasn't. I told her it was all her fault," the man recounted.

The woman was unable deny this fact, but she was livid. She got even angrier when the author of the post got a phone call and did not move his car whilst he was taking it. "My friend called me at just the right moment and I would have stayed even longer on the phone, but I was tired. I wanted to go home and I was sure I had taught her a good lesson," concluded the man.

How do you make your point of view understood without risking arguing with others? The subject of the story was very shrewd and expressed his opinion without putting himself at fault. Many agreed with him and congratulated him on his little ruse.

What do you say?
