Customer goes to pay and automatically receives a senior's discount: "Do I really look over 55?"

Getting old is part of life and is a totally natural process, whether we like it or not. As a result, many attempt to counteract inevitable ageing by resorting to surgery or, more frequently, to hair dyes. The truth is, everyone, especially women, feel flattered when they receive a compliment about their looks and how youthful they look, regardless of their real age. A woman posted a video on TikTok in which she explains how a cashier automatically gave her 10% off the products she purchased - which is the over-55 discount. Though the woman was glad she had paid a little less, she wondered about her appearance: "Do I really look older than 55?"

Jennifer - "gigi_dolleyes" on TikTok - told about how she got a discount at Ross (an American department store chain that sells low-cost clothers). Jennifer got back into her car after doing her shopping, aware her bill should have been for $52, but tit had been reduced to $44 - so what had happened? Checking the receipt more closely, Jennifer discovered that she had received a 10% discount, usually reserved for customers over 55 years of age. The cashier who had served her, however, never asked her how old she was and simply assumed that Jennifer was over 55. While Jennifer was more than happy to save about $7, she also wondered if her appearance really made her look older: "Do I look like I'm over 55?" she wondered, also asking TikTok users the same question.

Many users replied that Jennifer could easily have her age mistaken due to her gray hair, which makes her look older: "Yes, you look over 55. My mother is older than you, but she looks younger." Another user commented that he works as a cashier at a store and is not allowed to ask the customers' ages; yet another simply said, "As a former employee of Ross, I gave that discount to the nice customers, regardless of their age."
How would you have taken this?