Host refuses to prepare an alternative dish for his gluten-intolerant niece: "Eat what's put in front of you"

by Mark Bennett

December 23, 2022

Host refuses to prepare an alternative dish for his gluten-intolerant niece: "Eat what's put in front of you"

It's always a bad idea to start a diet at the start of the holiday season, but sometimes it's unavoidable if you're dealing with serious health issues. Whether it's Christmas, Easter, New Year's or Thanksgiving, the focus is always the same: a family comes together and eats a whole host of tasty treats and extravagant meals. In this context, not only is it difficult to stay on a diet, but it is even more difficult to find something to appropriate to eat if you are following a strict food regime. For example, the young niece in this story had to eliminate gluten from her diet for health reasons, but she couldn't find anyone in her family willing to prepare a gluten-free meal for her. Let's see what happened:

via Reddit

Pexels / Not the actual photo

Pexels / Not the actual photo

The man who told the story on Reddit stated that he wanted to host Thanksgiving dinner at his home. He went on to say, however, that he had a problem with his niece, who had suddenly started a new diet. “My sister, Maggie, just informed me yesterday that her daughter, Bria, 21, is following a gluten-free diet and asked if there would be anything she could eat at our Thanksgiving dinner. I told her that Bria can eat turkey, gravy, pie, and dessert - like the rest of us," the man wrote on Reddit.

“I told my sister that we are not changing anything and that Bria will have to eat the same food as us as it was her decision to go on a restrictive diet just before the holidays. Maggie replied that her daughter will not be able to eat most of the food and I told her it's not my problem," said the man.

hippopx / not the actual photo

hippopx / not the actual photo

Faced with this dilemma, Maggie told her brother that she would bring a "special" dish for her daughter to sort out the problem. Her brother, however, was not at all happy about this and told his sister not to do this. In the end, this man's inflexible attitude ruined the holiday atmosphere for everyone.

It didn't take Reddit users long to judge the man's behavior as being unreasonable. And in fact, the man now seems to have understood where he went wrong and has admitted he was in the wrong after reading the comments his post attracted.

What do you think about this? Are you willing to adapt some of your dishes to the needs of a few guests?
