Mother checks her children's phones: "I have the right to do so and it's not about a lack of trust"

by Mark Bennett

January 02, 2023

Mother checks her children's phones: "I have the right to do so and it's not about a lack of trust"

Raising a child is a big challenge and those who choose to do so know that they will have to face both good times and bad. Yet, arguments aside, there will always be moments when calm returns and the bond between parents and children becomes stronger than before.

Education is the path to personal growth. And every parent tries to do their best in this regard. The mother we want to tell you about in this article knows a little something about this. Despite a lot of criticism, she went public with how she seeks to "control" her children. Here is her story:

via @museparty/Tik Tok

@museparty/Tik Tok

@museparty/Tik Tok

Laura Muse is 41 years old, lives in Greensboro, North Carolina, and is the mother of two teenage boys. Laura sparked a heated discussion on the web for her parenting methods: when her boys go to bed, she "requisitions" their mobile phones and only gives them back the next morning. Many users have been critical of this habit, however.

In a short video clip, which Laura posted to Tik Tok, she is shown standing next to her son and with his phone in her hands. The video is playful but the message is clear. So, why does she do this? She does it to ensure that her children get the rest they need and so that they do not spend the entire night texting and scrolling through social media sites. Laura also added: "I pay for the phones so, they are mine and I can check them whenever I want". But is right?

@museparty/Tik Tok

@museparty/Tik Tok

Many disapprove of this behavior, but for Laura, it is a way of making sure her kids behave themselves. According to the Laura, there should be no trust issues and her kids should have nothing to hide. Her kids have had cell phones since they were 11 and, to get one, they had made a pact with their mother: she could check the phones at any time. Laura also said she checks the phones less frequently as time has passed.

One commentor said: "I have never checked my children's cell phones - they have never given me a reason to do so"; "Checking them means not respecting their privacy and it's a sign that you don't trust them: how can they ever tell you anything," wrote another. Many similar, critical comments were posted. Despite this, there some who supported Laura, admitting to doing the same thing, claiming it was only for the good of the kids.

What's your opinion: would you parent like this?
