Mother lets her sister-in-law breastfeed her child: she is heavily criticized

by Mark Bennett

November 14, 2022

Mother lets her sister-in-law breastfeed her child: she is heavily criticized

Although society has made a lot of progress and people have become a lot more open-minded and liberal, there are some topics that still remain contentious. Breastfeeding falls into this category. One of the most natural, important actions that exists, continues to give rise to heated debates and criticism being levelled against the choices of some mothers.

Proof of this is the story we want to tell you about here. In this case, the target of negative comment was a woman - a mother who made an unusual choice with respect to breastfeeding her third child.

via Mirror



Lisa McAloon is a 33-year-old woman from Seekonk, Massachusetts, who got the whole web talking about her. This mother, who is deeply attached to her sister-in-law, allowed the latter to breastfeed her baby. Images of the feeding were posted by the women to social media and sparked a heated debate.

Breastfeeding is always a hot topic. There are people who consider it a completely natural act and do not criticize women who feed their babies in public places; on the other hand, there are those who still consider this topic (and practice) a taboo in public. But in Lisa's case this was not the issue.



The women did not feel they have done anything wrong. Lisa and her 31-year-old sister-in-law, Janelle, married twins, Josh and Jay, and this also contributed to the developmet of a very deep relationship that led them to share many moments, including this biological one.

"I was happy that she offered to breastfeed my baby. Why would it bother me? She is my sister-in-law, he is small and is fed and pampered. The important thing is that he is well, not where the milk comes from," Lisa said.



This statement has been regarded as very bizarre by many. What is certain is that the two women have no intention of being influenced by negatvie comments. In fact, in the future, they will not miss out on an opportunity to "do an exchange" again they said.

Do you agree with Lisa's choice?
