This father supported the head of his sleeping daughter for the duration of a long trip

by Mark Bennett

October 14, 2022

This father supported the head of his sleeping daughter for the duration of a long trip

A parent will do anything for their children - especially to make them feel comfortable and protected. The gestures that fathers and mothers make for their children are full of love and tenderness (trivial as they may be). It may be for this reason that a photo of a father, who supported his sleeping infant daughter's head for the entire duration of a flight, deeply affected many users. Not everyone, however, felt moved by this gesture.

via Reddit



The photo was published on Reddit and was appreciated by many users. In the photo, you can clearly see a father holding his sleeping daughter's head stable and who is in the seat in front of him. In the post on Reddit, it was described as a moment of infinite sweetness and dedication by the father, who held the position for 45 minutes. Among the most flattering  comments are those who praise dad's behavior: "This makes you a real dad!" or even, "I'd trade anything for a dad like this. Some people just want to try and express their love as much as they can."

Not everyone, however, were so generous in their comments: several people, in fact, described the act by this father as excessive and stupid.

Pexels / Not the actual photo

Pexels / Not the actual photo

Given the length of the journey, this father could have organized himself a bit better said some users. "Even if the gesture is sweet, I feel that the father could have been much smarter ... use, for example, a sweater, a small pillow, a backpack, or he could also have asked the stewards for blankets and used those," commented one user. Another user emphasized the kind of bad example he was setting for his daughter by being so over-protective: "I expect to treat my 9-month-old daughter like this, but when she is 10 or 12 or 15, she will have to solve certain problems herself. I'm raising my daughter to be a woman, not a hopeless and helpless housewife."

What is your opinion about this? Write to us in the comments!
