"My future husband can't stand my father and doesn't want him to accompany me down the aisle: I don't agree with this"

by Mark Bennett

November 04, 2022

"My future husband can't stand my father and doesn't want him to accompany me down the aisle: I don't agree with this"

Marriage is a very important milestone for a loving couple, but - despite being a positive thing - it brings with it numerous issues that often result in family disagreements. When you marry your better partner, you should also accept and welcome his or her family - or at least establish civil relations with them based on mutual respect. Unfortunately, this was not the case for a young woman, who asked the Internet for advice on how to handle her particular problem.

via Reddit

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

The woman explained that she is about to marry her fiancé after 2 years of dating and that she does not have a large family: she has only her father and a sister. "My dad has dedicated his life to my sister and myself, holding down more than 14 jobs over the past 6 years to provide for us. I love my dad, and we have the best relationship anyone could hope for. However, my fiancé doesn't get along with my dad," she wrote.

The two seem to differ on many things: "For example, my fiancé once suggested to my father that he sell his truck because he doesn't use it. My father was offended because it was my grandfather's truck and he didn't want anyone telling him what to do," she continued. "Their most recent argument was when my father refused to give us any money for our wedding. My fiancé was upset, but I explained to him that my father doesn't have to pay for us," said the future bride.

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

"Yesterday, my fiancé told me to find someone else who can walk me down the aisle because my father refused to make a financial contribution for the wedding and he doesn't deserve this honor. I got very angry and replied that my father refused to contribute because he has no money. And besides, like any bride, I want him to accompany me to the altar on my wedding day. My fiancé was furious, saying that I was trying to ruin our wedding day, but I accused him of being 'selfish because he wanted to destroy a moment that I have always dreamed of. It is not fair, since I am on excellent terms with my father," said the young woman, asking users what she should do.

Most users supported the woman, also advising her to think twice about getting married: "I see that you are close to your father, so why are you marrying someone who clearly does not respect him? He doesn't have to be his best friend, but he needs to have respect for your father. Your fiancé seems to be emotionally immature, so I'd think twice if I were you. Good luck anyway, and if you go ahead with the wedding, I'm sure you'll be a beautiful bride and that your dad will accompany you down the aisle," wrote one user.

What do you think about this?
