Family renovates their kitchen and finds a treasure hidden under the floorboards: it is worth €284,000 euros

by Mark Bennett

October 02, 2022

Family renovates their kitchen and finds a treasure hidden under the floorboards: it is worth €284,000 euros

As a child, did you dream of finding hidden treasure or retracing the footsteps of famous adventurers? Fantasy is a powerful means of escaping reality, but unfortunately, as we age, much of its strength is lost. The dreams of the past fade as we grow up. But perhaps, for the English family who are the subjects of this story, the magical time of childhood dreams was rediscovered. It all started with the renovation of a house ...

Pexels / Not the actual photo

Pexels / Not the actual photo

In North Yorkshire (UK), a family from Ellerby decided it was time to refurbish their old kitchen. This is not unusual in itself, of course. What was not usual, however, was the discovery of some precious objects during the renovation works. This is what happened to this very lucky English family, who discovered something very rare and precious under the floorboards of their kitchen: an enameled earthenware cup, containing gold coins dating back to the eighteenth century! The lucky find was worth £ 250,000 pounds, or around € 284,000!

With such a sum, we are sure that the entire house could be rennovated!

Pexels / Not the actual photo

Pexels / Not the actual photo

Who would ever have imagined that a treasure like this could be hidden under the kitchen floor of any home? The earthenware jar contained more than 260 coins dated between 1610 and 1727. "It's a wonderful and truly remarkable find," said Gregory Edmond, an auctioneer for a major auction house. According to research, the coins almost certainly belonged to some famous traders of iron ore, timber and coal from the Baltic countries - the Maisters - a very influential family who lived between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries. In particular, these coins appear to have belonged to Joseph and Sarah Maisters, who got married in 1694. The two had no heirs and this is probably why the treasure remained buried to this day.

Imagine renovating your kitchen or bathroom and finding this treasure: what would your reaction be ? Tell us in the comments!
