Couple finds a way to save on their wedding: "we only spent $ 5,000"

by Mark Bennett

October 11, 2022

Couple finds a way to save on their wedding: "we only spent $ 5,000"

Is it possible to spend only a little when organizing a wedding? Most of us would be inclined to say no. Between venues, lunches, ceremonies, dresses, vehicles, bouquets and much more, a budget can get blown through very easily. Yet there are those who manage to make their dreams come true for a very low cost - when compared to the usual - and without sacrificing anything significant.

This is what the couple in this story did. They did everything possible to stay within their budget. So, what did they do? Let's find out together:

via US Time

Jess and Houston Clifton are a couple from Arkansas, United States, who met when they were very young and eventually decided to get married.

The couple wanted a special ceremony to celebrate their union, but they had no intention of spending too much money.


The whole process started when the two realized how much waste a typical wedding hides. For this reason, they decided to take a different path, starting from the choice of venue. For both the ceremony and the reception they organized the events to be held on a farm owned by Jess's family. Here, taking advantage of an existing wooden platform and renting chairs for the guests, the two future spouses solved the "problem" of securing avenue. Then they focused on the flowers and other decorations.

For the flowers, Jess asked her mother Elizabeth - who is passionate about gardening - to grow them for her. Accepting the challenge, Elizabeth got to work a year in advance of the wedding. To decorate the tables, the bride decided to use empty glass bottles, transforming them into vases by adding flowers. For the candles, she took her grandmother's advice: a lover of yogurt in jars, Jess' grandmother had a load of jars to hand, which Jess used as candle holders.



Everything else was rented: tablecloths, tables, lights to decorate the garden during dinner, and much more. For the bridesmaids, on the other hand, the couple opted for second-hand dresses bought on the internet. And for the food, they hired a catering service. "It was a lot of fun to organize such a simple wedding," said Jess. "We did whatever we could to stay within our budget," Jess concluded.

The couple also stated that whenever they thought of something new to add during the ceremony, they also thought about how to make it a low-cost option. Did they succeed? It seems so.

What do you think of this "no waste" wedding?
