Family quarrel: "My mother-in-law is having her birthday the same day as my daughter, but she doesn't want to move the date of her party"

by Mark Bennett

October 07, 2022

Family quarrel: "My mother-in-law is having her birthday the same day as my daughter, but she doesn't want to move the date of her party"

A birthday is always a special occasion, but there are some birthdays which are more important than others, such as the first year of a child's life or reaching fifty. What can one do, however, if one's birthday falls on the same day as one's grandmother or granddaughter? This is the dilemma that upset a mother, who asked her mother-in-law to come around to celebrate her grandchild's first birthday.

via Reddit

Pixabay - Not the Actual Photo

Pixabay - Not the Actual Photo

"My mother-in-law loves celebrating her birthday. When I was pregnant she kept joking that if I went into labor on her birthday (2 days before the due date) I had better keep the baby in. Well, fate determined that the baby was born on the mother-in-law's birthday and she was not thrilled. She came to the hospital for about ten minutes, leaving quickly saying she had other commitments," explained the woman.

This year, the woman turns 50, while her baby's first birthday falls on a Saturday. "I thought that I could organize my daughter's first brithday party on the same day and I immediately started making plans," continued the mother. However, the mother-in-law was already making arrangements for her own party and asked the mother to move or postpone her baby's party. "I thought it was ridiculous because one birthday is for a child. I know that technically we could have held my child's party in the afternoon and go to my mother-in-law in the evening, but my in-laws throw wild parties. Her 40th birthday was as big as a wedding and required a lot of preparations - hair, makeup, and so on, so I wouldn't have the time to get ready. "

Pixabay - Not the Actual Photo

Pixabay - Not the Actual Photo

Notwithstading this, the mother refused to move the date of her baby's party, causing the mother-in-law to fly into a rage because, according to her, the little one "will have no memory of the day". It was not possible to share the event, because the mother-in-law had organized a very chic party for "adults only" - with cocktail dresses and music until two in the morning.

"I told her she was being a crybaby and that she should get over herself and bite the bullet. I explained to her that my baby is a small child, so her first birthday is much more important than her 50th birthday party", continued the mother. The mother-in-law refused to move the date of her party and stopped talking to the woman and her son. "Now all the relatives will go to her party and it seems to me to be very selfish behavior. My husband's sisters are angry with me and now they won't talk to us", stated the mother, asking the web for advice on what to do.

Users have proved to be diplomatic, tending to agree with the mother-in-law: "A first birthday is important, but you can celebrate at lunch or the day after. Nobody wants to go to a children's party on a Saturday anyway. Also, the little one will have no memory of the day and will most likely fall sleep. Objectively, it is easier to organize both parties for different times or to hold the fiftieth birthday on Saturday evening and the baby's birthday on Sunday afternoon - days that are more appropriate for both events. It's a question of being mature about the problem".

What do you think?
