Man is forced to sell his goat to get money, but she won't leave him and cries bitterly

by Mark Bennett

October 03, 2022

Man is forced to sell his goat to get money, but she won't leave him and cries bitterly

Who said animals don't have feelings? Although they are different creatures from us humans, many of them understand and even manage to communicate their states of mind. Animals become fond of their owners and show it very often with their expressions of affection. Suffice it to say that when a couple separates or divorces, the animal also suffers because it is suddenly deprived of the presence of one of its owners or, even worse, finds itself in a completely different environment. That's why the goat in this video seems to be completely forlorn.

via Twitter / Ram_Vegan



A man posted to Twitter the sad scene of a goat that doesn't seem to want to leave its owner. The latter, however, is in dire need of money and that is why he was forced to sell the goat to the highest bidder. The video is heartbreaking because you can clearly hear the cries of the sad goat, a noise that is very close to the cry of a child. The owner hugs the goat and it seems that she doesn't want to part from him, even though her fate has already been determined.

"Although animals cannot speak, they still have feelings and emotions. Despite being unable to speak, they love their owners very much. When separated from them, they become sad and distraught," wrote Ramasubramanian V. Harikumar, the Indian man who posted the video.

Man is forced to sell his goat to get money, but she won't leave him and cries bitterly - 2

Harikumar also said: "All animals have feelings, regardless of what humans believe. I pray that the person who bought the goat will keep it safe forever." It is not news that goats can read other people's feelings and that they are particularly attracted to happy people. But to see one that proves this fact in such a clear way, is even more profound. It is very sad knowing that the goat had some sort of awareness of the fact that her owner was abandoning her. Unfortunately, it seems that he could not do otherwise and the goat will have to adapt to another life. We hope she is happier by now!

Do you believe that animals have feelings?
