10-year-old boy saves his mother's life: "I wouldn't have made it without him; he's my little hero"

by Mark Bennett

October 03, 2022

10-year-old boy saves his mother's life: "I wouldn't have made it without him; he's my little hero"

Having a baby is a blessing: how many times have we heard this phrase? Children help to make our lives happier, they give unforgettable moments, they depend on us, they give us unconditional love, they fill us with joy and, at times, they can be a lifeline in the sense literal of the term.

This mother from Oklahoma knows this very well. She managed to get through a very bad experience thanks to her 10-year-old son. Let's find out what happened together:

via People

Lori Keeney is the mother of Gavin, a 10-year-old boy, who became famous on the web for saving Lori's life. On an ordinary day, mother and son were swimming in the garden pool when Lori suddenly felt sick.

The woman had a seizure in the pool and could not stay afloat in the water. Her son, who at that moment was out of the pool, immediately realized that something was wrong and leapt in to help her.



In a video that the woman posted on Facebook, we see the moment of the rescue. The footage is from a surveillance camera and shows the child diving in and carrying his mother towards the ladder, keeping her afloat so she could breathe.

"This morning, I lived through one of the worst moments of my life," writes Lori in the post published on social media. She continued: "I did not know whether or not to share this video, but I wanted to show my son saving me. Gavin had just entered the veranda, but he immediately ran to me and pulled me out. The dog also tried to help, and he barked so loudly that my husband understood something was wrong and ran out to help us."

This was an unpleasant situation that, thanks to the courage of little Gavin, had a happy ending. "I thank God for putting this little man in my life. He is my little hero," Lori wrote.

These words that reveal the courage of a 10-year-old child who, without hesitating, leapt into the pool, grabbed his mother and saved her. If he hadn't intervened right away, she would have swallowed more water and might have ended up in hospital - or worse.

Let's emulate Gavin's example and remember that, in urgent situations, immediate action must be taken to avoid tragedies. Well done, little hero!
