For years she cleaned the same building, then she lost her home and her job: the tenants help her out

by Mark Bennett

September 07, 2022

For years she cleaned the same building, then she lost her home and her job: the tenants help her out

In life you can meet wonderful people who would do anything to help others in difficulty: people with a big heart who decide to lend others a hand and not just ignore those in need. This is exactly what happened in the story that we want to tell you about here. In this case, it was a group of men and women who decided to do something special for a kindly lady.

Rosa, is a worker has always done everything to get ahead in life: she has worked hard, she has made many sacrifices, but, like so many of peers, she has not been able to overcome the difficulties related to the pandemic and lost her job. At this point, the tenants of the building where she Rosa cleans, came into play and surprised her in an extraordinary way. Here is her story:

via Reddit



Rosa is a woman who moved to New York when she was very young and immediately started working in the cleaning industry to support herself. After 20 years, and after having earned the respect of all the tenants of the condominium where she carried out her duties, the lady lost her job due to the pandemic and could no longer ppay her rent. Rosa was forced to move in with her sister.

Her dedication and kindness, however, had not gone unnoticed over the years, which is why the people she had always worked for, decided to surprise her.



On a normal day, Rosa was called to the building with the excuse of cleaning an apartment, but she never expected to receive a gift. In a video posted by one of the tenants on Reddit, we see the moment in which she arrives and sees some banners up, reading: "This is Rosa; she worked for 20 years in this condominium and she is loved by everyone," the banners say. "She left because she lost her job, but now it's time to get her back, even if she doesn't know it ".

Once inside the house, Rosa is shown all the rooms, the bathrooms, the living room and the terrace and then it is going to be her new home. That's right: by mutual agreement, all the tenants had put together the funds necessary to pay for the  first 2 years of rent to thank Rosa for everything she had done for them. This was a  demonstration of affection and respect that moved Rosa to tears of joy.



Afterwards, Rosa signed the lease agreement and took the keys. Later, she moved into her small flat on the top floor of the building where she had worked for years.

This was a wonderful gesture by the tenants, which demonstrates that there are extraordinary people left in the world. It is men and women like this that make life worth living.
