The crowing of a rooster becomes unbearable: couple lay a charge against their neighbor and take him to court

Living in the countryside is relaxing - it gives one a sense of peace because you are in contact with nature and away from the noises of the city. For those who do not particularly like the latter, moving to a more isolated place away from the daily frenzy is ideal, but noise is not always completely absent. Even in rural areas it is possible to be disturbed. How? There are, for example, some animals that make a lot of noise.
This is a situation that the subjects of this story know very well. Two spouses, exhausted by their neighbor's rooster crowing, turned to going to court to try to resolve the matter.
via Times Now News

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Friedrich-Wilhelm K., a 76-year-old man, lives with his wife, Jutta, near Bad Salzuflen, Germany. The couple moved there to seek peace and quiet, but they found quite the opposite. The cause of this upset was Magda, their neighbor's rooster who crows about 200 times a day and disturbs the peace.
Apparently, the couple have tried several times to reason with Mr. Michael D., the 50-year-old owner of the bird, who said he could not get rid of the rooster. Why? Without his rooster, the chickens would fight and wreak havoc on the entire chicken coop. The rooster is vital, therefore, to keep the peace in the coop.
"It has become torture," declared Friedrich. "Now we can no longer enjoy the garden and we have to stay with the windows permanently closed. It is not acceptable and it is not right. We have the right to live in the way we prefer without being harrassed by a rooster who starts crowing from 8am in the morning. Only when evening comes, and he is locked up in the hen house does he calms down. But during the day he crows all the time ".

This is a tough situation that would put anyone to the test. For this reason, the spouses have decided to go to court and ask that the rooster be removed as soon as possible. In order to achieve this goal, they are recording every day what happens outside the home, in order to make the judge understand the torment they go through every day.
A previous tenant has already moved out because of Magda and the couple would like to avoid having to resort to doing the same. Will they succeed? We do not know, but we hope that "silent" days will soon return for the couple.
What do you think of this story: have you ever had to deal with noisy neighbors - be they humans or animals?