Mother does not want her son to leave home: she builds a house for him in the garden

by Mark Bennett

August 25, 2022

Mother does not want her son to leave home: she builds a house for him in the garden

Many parents would do anything to delay the moment when their children move out. When a boy or girl grows up, they seek their independence and want to move into a house of their own. Their parents can have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, you might be happy that your child is leaving the nest to build a bright future; on the other, you might feel sad and want to keep them a little longer by your side.

To avoid this, the mom we want to tell you about has found a solution to keep her "baby" at home. How? She built a little house for him in the backyard.

via The Sun

 fromhousetohome4/Tik Tok

fromhousetohome4/Tik Tok

"When you don't want your child to leave your home ... build one for them in your garden" - words that title a video posted by user @fromhousetohome4 on her TikTok profile. This mother has confessed that she is not yet ready to face her teenage son leaving home and the question that she asked herself was: "How can I stop this? By building him a house." Without hesitating, she did this and the result was successful.

Not only is the house equipped with every convenience - kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, closets - but it is also very close to the child's parents, being in their garden. And it cost very little: just £7,000 pounds. A very modest amount, if you consider that it was built from scratch. Also, as the mother herself explained in the clip, her husband owns a construction company and took care of everything without the intervention of outside workers.

 fromhousetohome4/Tik Tok

fromhousetohome4/Tik Tok

This is certainly a unique story and has attracted the attention of many users, garnering over 1 million views and many comments. There are those who liked the idea and claimed to have tried it themselves. "I love this solution. I would like to do the same for my children," commented one reader.

Apparently there are many people who just can't accept the departure of a child and try to prevent it. All the more so when they are not of age - as in this case - and one still has much to teach them

Would you ever make such a choice?
