93-year-old grandfather feels lonely and has no food at home: he calls the carabinieri to help him

Old age can be very hard to deal with for most seniors and many find themselves alone and unable to pass their time dabbling in hobbies, for example. Gennaro is a 93-year-old grandfather from Carpi, Italy, who after the death of his wife, found himself completely alone in the world. This grandfather managed to overcome his embarrassment and asked for help, picking up the phone and calling the carabinieri (police) in his city: "I'm hungry and thirsty, can you please bring me something?" he kindly asked the switchboard at the Modena police station. The operator, of course, did not ignore the elderly man's request and immediately dispatched two officers to his home.
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The loneliness of the elderly is one of the biggest and most serious problems that every country should try to deal with in some way. Families are not always in a position to be able to support elderly parents as they would like. At other times, it happens that the elderly are forced to go to live in some retirement home. In the worst case scenario, however, these elderly people can find themselves completely alone in the world.
Nonno Gennaro, 93, did not simply feel alone, but he was also hungry. The old man plucked up his courage, picked up the phone and, without knowing who else to contact, called the carabinieri: "I'm thirsty, I'm hungry, can you bring me some water and some fruit?", he asked the operator kindly. He also added: "But no apples - apples are too hard for me and I can't chew them properly".

Gennaro's request for help was immediately answered: two carabinieri showed up shortly afterwards at his home with drinks and food. Obviously, Gennaro was delighted to receive the visit, as well as the food. The grandfather welcomed the two officers with a smile and invited them to sit down with him for a coffee: "Sit down, let's have a coffee together, please." For Gennaro, the time spent with the two carabinieri was an escape that allowed him to talk a little with someone, instead of always being alone and absorbed in his own thoughts. The man told his life story to the officers: how his grandfather had fought in the war and how he had worked as an employee in a large multinational, as well as how his wife had cooked so well. Unfortunately, after her passing, he was left alone with only his memories to keep him company.
"In old age, everything seems very far away, even the room down the hall can seem to be a world away", said Gennaro with a hint of melancholy. The visit, albeit brief, was greatly appreciated by the elderly man, who urged the two officers to visit him in the future: "Come back and see me, I'll be waiting for you".