This grandmother got her high school diploma at 84: it was her greatest wish

We all have dreams that lay dormant for years, perhaps buried by the responsibilities or obstacles to which life subjects us. Yet we should never believe that it is "too late" to reach for a dream that we consider important. Mrs. Irma Gloria Esquivel, an 84-year-old grandmother from Nuevo León, Mexico, understands this very well: this woman is proof that there is no age limit to obtaining a high school diploma.
The elderly lady proudly collected her diploma at the Bachillerato Tecnológico Agropecuario Center in the city of Ejido Tepehuaje, accompanied by her family, grandchildren and classmates - all younger than her by decades. At the ceremony, she received praise from the local mayor, Cosme Leal, who was invited to the event and dedicated a few words to her achievement.
"All efforts have their reward, and this diploma is an example that motivates us not to find excuses not to study, because there is no age limit to fulfilling our dreams. I express deep admiration for Mrs. Irma, for being a role model for everyone ", commented the First Citizen.
Granddaughter, Albis Davila, also wanted to express pride and admiration for her grandmother's dedication and tenacity. "We are very proud of her. She managed to achieve another of her goals and we are happy to join her in her success. She is an example to follow. We all must never give up on our goals," she said in a post on Facebook.
The photos of Esquivel's achievement went viral on social networks and aroused many emotions among readers. "Kudos to this wonderful lady who taught us a wonderful life lesson: it's never too late to learn!" wrote one user. "Happy graduation! Truly an example to follow - a model of inspiration for all those who have not yet made an effort because they think there is no more time left. The truth is that as long as you really want something, the time will always be right to try", commented another reader.
And we too cannot help but join the chorus of praise and extend our best wishes to Mrs. Irma.