Actress meets a homeless man and falls in love with him: "he taught me that it takes very little to be happy" (+ VIDEO)

by Mark Bennett

July 21, 2022

Actress meets a homeless man and falls in love with him: "he taught me that it takes very little to be happy" (+ VIDEO)

Sometimes fate holds truly incredible surprises for us. Maybe we have been searching for love of our lives and then we discover that it is just around the corner waiting for us; maybe it is hiding right under our noses but is difficult to see. And maybe, it is ready to leap out and overwhelm us when we least expect it.

This is exactly what happened to Swedish actress Emmy Abrahamson, who met her future husband in a park in Amsterdam and no, he wasn't there taking a walk: he was an unfortunate homeless man who lived in the park. And he is also the man who Emmy fell in love with at first glance. Here is their story:

via Indipendent

This Morning/Youtube

This Morning/Youtube

Emmy Abrahamson is a talented Swedish actress and writer who met the love of her life by chance and in a Dutch "bush". You read that right, but why do we describe it like this? For one simple reason: Vic Kocula, now Emmy's current husband, was a homeless man who lived hand-to-mouth and had no fixed abode. Then one day, while he was wandering around a park in Amsterdam, he saw a beautiful woman from afar. He was fascinated by her and decided to approach her. Emmy, who was in town to meet a director, was sitting on a park bench when the man sat next to her and, by asking the a trivial question - "What time is it?" - took the first step towards getting to know her.

"I must admit that his appearance left me a little perplexed," said the former actress in an interview. She continued: "But his brown eyes conveyed something magical to me and I felt that I wanted to see him again". So, after a few days, the two met up on the same bench and had a chat and went for a walk. Vic, who knew what he looked like in his homeless clothes, hadn't given up on Emmy and had done what he could to look a little neater than at their previous meeting. He had moved to Europe from Canada, and had gone through some really difficult times, but he now felt that life was giving him another chance.

Sardaka/Wikimedia - Not the actual photo

Sardaka/Wikimedia - Not the actual photo

In the days that followed, the two met several times and something profound was born between them - at least until she returned to Vienna where she lived. "I thought we would never see each other again," Emmy said. "I had left him my phone number, but he didn't have a phone of his own and I was sure he wouldn't call me," she said. But it did not turn out ike this. Vic did everything he could to make some money and to join her in Austria - and he finally succeeded in doing so. From here, their love story took off but was subject to much doubt and concern, especially from people who were close to Emmy. An accomplished actress, a daughter of a wealthy entrepreneur, educated and able to speak 5 languages - why did she have to be with a homeless man? At first glance they seemed to have nothing in common, but one's heart is not to be denied when Cupid decides to intervene. For true love, there is no social class or difference that can withstand it.

Once all their obstacles were overcome, the two decided to spend their lives together, to start a family and now they have two beautiful daughters. All this while Vic, with a great show of willpower, got back into the game by studying for 5 years and becoming a mechanical engineer. This is a modern fairytale that demonstrates how life can make unexpected turns and transform itself into the most beautiful experience there is.

Emmy, meanwhile, has left the world of acting and has embarked on the path of becoming an author. She has written several novels, including the one in which she talks about her experience ,with her husband. "Some people tell me that I saved Vic and gave him the opportunity to change, but that's not the case," says the woman. "It was he who saved me and made me understand that, at times, it takes very little to live happily".

And this is really true: we often struggle to reach our goals, but if we stop and think for a moment, we realize how important it is to be surrounded by people who love us and would do anything to make us feel happy and loved, don't you agree?
